Free 6 pack abs for girls exercises
Free 6 pack abs for girls exercises
As you go about creating a program to help you get six pack abs, it’s vital that you’re taking the time to put some though into which exercises are going to deliver you the best results.
If you aren’t paying attention to what’s necessary to get six pack abs from an exercise standpoint, you could end up wasting hours of time in the gym with very few results to show for it.
Fortunately, if you are knowledgeable in what to look for as you assess six pack abs exercises, then you should have no problem accomplishing this task.
Here are the main points to consider when deciding which six pack abs exercises to add in your program.
Reduced Stability
The very first element that should be in place when selecting six pack abs exercises is reduced instability. Essentially, the more unstable you are as you move throughout that six pack ab exercise, the harder those muscle fibers will have to work.
That’s a big reason why so many people are starting to shift their workouts over to the exercise ball instead of doing them on the ab mat. By doing them on the ball they’ll really up the overall muscle activation they see, thus improving their results.
Increased Range Of Motion
Second, another important element if you want to get six pack abs is making sure that the movements you’re doing will have you working through a full range of motion. One big problem with the regular crunch movement is that it’s really not going to have you working all that hard.
It’s such a small movement to be doing that the muscles don’t need to contract and tense that far to actually move you throughout the exercise.
If you can increase the range of motion such as with lying leg raises or crunches on an exercise ball where you extend all the way back and then move all the way back up, this will be far superior as far as results are concerned.
Isometric Contraction
Third, the next thing to think about is the isometric contraction element. This includes when you’re doing exercises that are going to have you holding a particular position for a given period of time.
For instance, the plank exercise makes great use of isometric contractions as you’ll have to stay in that single position for thirty or more seconds. While it may seem like this wouldn’t be all that effective since the muscles aren’t actually moving, don’t be fooled.
Isometric contractions are extremely effective as the muscles must maintain the tension. Front and side planks are both perfect movements to add into your six pack abs exercise routine.
Finally, you’ll also want to try and have as much variability in the ab exercises you choose as possible. Variability is what will keep the abs responding and will help to prevent you from hitting that dreaded plateau.
Since the abs are a muscle group that do constantly need a challenge, if you can be sure to take care of this element you’re going to see far superior results. Aim to change up something about your workout every week and you’ll be on a better path to success.
Free 6 pack abs for girls exercises