How Easy Weight Loss Can Be By Jordan VictorLosing weight can be extremely easy if you find a great eating program. Most people overlook their diet completely when they are trying to lose weight. If you can find a great eating plan, you will be able to lose weight and lose weight fast. The reason an eating program is so important is because what you eat is the biggest factor in determining whether you will lose weight or not. Your diet accounts for 80% of weight loss. The next closest factor is exercising, which only handles 20% of weight loss. That means that your diet is 4 times more important to losing weight than the training you do. Most people think this would be the other way around but then again, most people are failing to lose weight. A great eating program will alter your eating schedule more than it changes what you eat. Studies have shown that eating large portions of food slow down the body's rate of metabolism because the body struggles to digest these quantities of food. This overloads the body and hinders its ability to burn calories and lose weight. Eating smaller meals during the day will help the body function properly, as it will be able to digest food much easier and with little effort. This keeps your rate of metabolism high, which allows for lots of calories to be burned and weight to be lost. It is also important to mix in some exercise into your weekly routine. Working out does not help too much when you are not eating properly but helps you lose a ton of weight when you are eating right. This minor modification to your eating pattern is the change you need to make to lose weight. Jordan has overcome weight issues of his own and uses his experience as a guide for others. He relied entirely on a program called Strip That Fat. It generates a diet just for you and guarantees you will lose weight the healthy way. There is no better time to start than today. Everyday you fail to use this system will be wasted. Check out Strip That Fat [] Article Source: Article Source:

Losing weight can be extremely easy if you find a great eating program. Most people overlook their diet completely when they are trying to lose weight. If you can find a great eating plan, you will be able to lose weight and lose weight fast.
The reason an eating program is so important is because what you eat is the biggest factor in determining whether you will lose weight or not. Your diet accounts for 80% of weight loss. The next closest factor is exercising, which only handles 20% of weight loss. That means that your diet is 4 times more important to losing weight than the training you do. Most people think this would be the other way around but then again, most people are failing to lose weight.
A great eating program will alter your eating schedule more than it changes what you eat. Studies have shown that eating large portions of food slow down the body's rate of metabolism because the body struggles to digest these quantities of food. This overloads the body and hinders its ability to burn calories and lose weight.
Eating smaller meals during the day will help the body function properly, as it will be able to digest food much easier and with little effort. This keeps your rate of metabolism high, which allows for lots of calories to be burned and weight to be lost.
It is also important to mix in some exercise into your weekly routine. Working out does not help too much when you are not eating properly but helps you lose a ton of weight when you are eating right. This minor modification to your eating pattern is the change you need to make to lose weight.
Jordan has overcome weight issues of his own and uses his experience as a guide for others. He relied entirely on a program called Strip That Fat. It generates a diet just for you and guarantees you will lose weight the healthy way. There is no better time to start than today. Everyday you fail to use this system will be wasted. Check out Strip That Fat []
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How Free Weight Loss Tips For Teens Become Useful

Teenagers are always plagued by many health problems triggered by many factors. One of the basic issues during this stage is the peer pressure to stay on normal weight, and in much wishful sense, every teenager prefers the anorexic-look.
If only the word "discipline" is established in good order in one's daily life, free weight loss tips for teens will be easier to apply. However, teens like to skip meals anyway, so no surprise they feel tired and haggard in order to have a trim body.
Effective teen weight loss starts at home but teens end up taking dinner at fast food chains or busy in front of TVs nibbling junk food. However, if the environment at home has erratic schedules, chances are the lifestyle is chaotic too, and in some way this can affect the management of food served.
Keeping a sensible book on calorie list is better than not knowing the count of each food indiscriminately taken. A teen can keep this somewhere while keeping track of each food consumption. Usually, unnecessary drinks also add a scale in the calorie list. If one is not aware, alcohols have high calorie content, yet it does not give potential benefit for the body.
Ice cream is also one culprit in adding any excess weight to a complete daily diet. Presume an approximate 450 calories per serving of ice cream, which already comprise almost the third of an average person's complete meal. The knowledge of every calorie count does serve as reminder of what could be taken constantly. In consistent use, one could even memorize the tabulation with ease.
Some other free weight loss tips for teens are fruits and vegetables which have lesser amount of calories and are essential for diet. Teens must remember to take them in larger quantities than having a big serving of french fries during outdoor activities. Cakes and fancy pastries though are rich on oil, they can't fully satisfy the pang of hunger. For breakfast, a good serving of natural cereals is a good beginning for the day.
Advertisements are occasionally the culprit on why teens engross with different systems of weight loss where teen weight loss program should be the focus for them in getting trim.
Normally, product lines of diet pills and tablets may sound encouraging because of the promise of instant effect and false scripted testimonials that go along with the advertisements. A plump teen would find it alluring to try any formulas just to look sexy on a prom night.
It means, the only key to free weight loss tips for teens is still the motivation to limit the amount of food taken, plus knowing the right energy (calorie) each food contains for consumption.
Get more information on weight loss by going to

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How a Weight Loss Chart Can Help You Lose Weight Fast

What is a weight loss chart? A weight loss chart serves as a guide to help you record and track your progress and keep on track for your weight loss goals.
It is easy to make your own weight loss chart but it is easier and faster to download a free chart from the internet. Many websites offer free weight loss charts. Ideally you need to print it out so that you can physically write on the chart.
Once you print out your weight loss chart, hang it up in a location that is easily visible to you. There is little point storing the chart away, it's best to hang it from a wall. You can hang it at the back of your bathroom door or at the back of your bedroom door as well. But the best place to hang a weight loss chart is at the refrigerator door. Do you know the reason, right?
Why do weight loss charts help?
They allow you to quickly record your daily progress. You can write down what you've eaten, the exercise you've done and of course, your weight for the day.
What is the best time to weigh?
It is best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning, before eating anything. It is vital to only weigh yourself at the same time everyday to avoid fluctuations.
This is one of the best ways for you to stay motivated and on track to achieve your weight loss goals. Printable weight loss charts from the internet are free and easy to use, so make sure you download one today.
Discover how to slip into your old bikini in a few short weeks at []
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How a Weight Loss Chart Can Help You Lose Weight Fast

What is a weight loss chart? A weight loss chart serves as a guide to help you record and track your progress and keep on track for your weight loss goals.
It is easy to make your own weight loss chart but it is easier and faster to download a free chart from the internet. Many websites offer free weight loss charts. Ideally you need to print it out so that you can physically write on the chart.
Once you print out your weight loss chart, hang it up in a location that is easily visible to you. There is little point storing the chart away, it's best to hang it from a wall. You can hang it at the back of your bathroom door or at the back of your bedroom door as well. But the best place to hang a weight loss chart is at the refrigerator door. Do you know the reason, right?
Why do weight loss charts help?
They allow you to quickly record your daily progress. You can write down what you've eaten, the exercise you've done and of course, your weight for the day.
What is the best time to weigh?
It is best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning, before eating anything. It is vital to only weigh yourself at the same time everyday to avoid fluctuations.
This is one of the best ways for you to stay motivated and on track to achieve your weight loss goals. Printable weight loss charts from the internet are free and easy to use, so make sure you download one today.
Discover how to slip into your old bikini in a few short weeks at

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How Hypnosis Weight Loss Can Help You Break the Barriers

f you are up to 20 pounds or more over the suggested weight for your height and age, then you are considered overweight. While a few extra pounds here or there can be written off as genetics or temporary weight gain, being significantly overweight can seriously affect your health both now and as you age.People that qualify as being obese (40 pounds or more above their suggested weight) have an increased chance of contracting serious conditions like:
o Cardiovascular Disease
o Type 2 Diabetes
o High Blood Pressure
o High Cholesterol
o Sleep Apnea
o Arrhythmia
o Certain Forms of Cancer
Not only do obese people have a higher risk of developing any number of these disorders later in life, but they often suffer from small impairments like shortness of breath or poor flexibility that limit their ability to participate in other activities and that ultimately may affect their quality of life.
There are a number of options out there for anyone with a strong desire to get healthy and lose weight. More traditional routes include diet plans, fitness programs, and weight loss pills or supplements. If you have tried these options already and just can't seem to stick with them or are not getting results that you are happy with, consider hypnosis weight loss.
Hypnosis weight loss does not require the use of any drugs or involve any sort of operations. In fact, it is devoid of all physical and chemical properties, focusing instead on your psyche and how subconscious issues are preventing you from being fit. Here are just a few ways that hypnosis weight loss works.
1. A professional hypnosis "puts you under" and uses suggestive cues to replace unhealthy subconscious behaviors with healthy ones. If the procedure works, then when you wake you will be predisposed toward these new healthy alternatives and will feel an aversion toward the old ones.
2. Hypnosis itself does not cause you to lose weight. Because hypnosis does not alter the physical or chemical makeup of your body, you should not expect immediate weight loss after a hypnosis session. Hypnosis weight loss works long-term, with your new suggestive subconscious cues altering your behavior in a beneficial way.
3. Hypnosis weight loss does not work for everyone. If you are not receptive to the procedure, then it is unlikely that it will work for you. Furthermore, if you have several bad habits that are preventing you from losing weight, a single session may not be able to target them all.
Even if you do not experience significant weight loss from the affects of hypnosis alone, the procedure does have other advantages. For one, when done by a skilled professional it can be an excellent relaxation technique. And while in some cases it may not help you to "fix" the issues that are deterring you from losing weight, it can at least help you to identify them.
If non-physical factors are affecting your efforts to lose weight, then hypnosis weight loss may provide the answer.
Mark Neustedt is the founder of and after reviewing more than 20 weight loss programs [] reveals the top 3 weight loss programs that work.
Discover how you can easily loose weight by following one of these simple diet programs [].
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Discover Exactly How Acai Weight Loss Works So Easily

Introducing The Acai berry weight loss regeime. Finally, a product that really works to help you lose weight! Acai berries have been used for centuries by Central and Southern America peoples, but they've only been introduced to the U.S. recently.
For a natural alternative to harmful weight loss drugs, or straining your body with strenuous exercise, try Acai weight loss. The Acai berry system will help to remove cholesterol, cleanse your body, and can even help your body ward off cancer!
If you're serious about losing weight, you can't afford not to try Acai weight loss supplements. People have been known to lose up to twenty pounds just by cleansing, and that's only the beginning! Most people who take Acai report noticing a big increase in their energy level shortly after starting an Acai berry and weight loss program.
Are you tired of skin blemishes and low energy levels? Let Acai berry and weight loss supplements relieve these symptoms while you lose weight painlessly and quickly. Additionally, decrease your risk for cancer by taking regular supplements that contain this superfood.
If you aren't sure about the safety or benefits of Acai berry and weight loss supplements, put your mind at rest. Remember, though, not all supplements are created equally. If the berries aren't freeze dried shortly after picking, they are of very little use as health supplements.
Before you buy, learn what percentage of the supplement consists of the Acai berries. Certain manufacturers will try to use as little of this superfood as possible and still make the claim to have supplements made of Acai berries. Don't buy these supplements from companies that you don't trust.
In addition to helping lower cholesterol and increase energy levels, Acai berry and weight loss supplements also contain a high number of antioxidants. Scientists have found that these chemicals are important in preventing heart attacks and other circulatory problems. In addition, antioxidants help to prevent chemicals known as free radicals, which make your body and skin age faster.
After trying all the available supplements and finding no success, are you ready to try Acai weight loss supplements? There's nothing to lose except all the weight you've been trying to get rid of, and you can gain many health benefits. Find out more about losing weight today with Acai berry and supplements. After all, seeing is believing, and now you can see the effects on your own body!
Evelyn Grazini is a Health/Wellness writer who writes for
Your One Stop Shop for Health, Wellness, & Beauty. Find the number ONE recommended Acai Weight Loss supplement at:

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How a Weight Loss Patch Can Help You Stick to Your Diet

If you have been thinking about ways to supplement your diet and exercise plan, then you have probably already reviewed dozens of different weight loss products from pills and powders to drinks and snack bars. You may also already be aware that very few of these products actually work. One relatively new exception is the weight loss patch.
Just like anti-smoking nicotine patches, you stick the patch somewhere on your body (usually the upper arm or hip), and it then slowly releases chemicals into your blood stream. While it may sound a little sci-fi, the good news is that this technique actually works. Not only that, but many of the active ingredients in the patch are totally natural.
To find out more about the innovative weight loss patch and for answers to some commonly asked questions, read on.
1. The process that the patch uses is totally safe. Because the patch utilizes natural ingredients to stimulate various responses in your body, it is less harmful and invasive then other artificial weight loss products. Not only that, but it is more effective at delivering the chemicals than pills, which rarely get fully digested.
2. The weight loss patch is not a new scam. This product has been tested extensively and the results are consistently good.
3. The patch does not require unhealthy practices to be effective. You will never have to skip meals, fast, or eat a bogus diet to get results with a weight loss patch.
4. You probably haven't heard of the patch before because the technology is fairly new in the weight loss market. This concept is caused "Transdermal delivery." That means that the active ingredients are absorbed through the skin vs. internally as with pills and powders. Once inside your bloodstream, the chemicals themselves absorb harmful substances before they can be absorbed.
5. The patch will not harm the area it is placed on. The chemicals in the patch are totally natural, which means you will not have irritation at the site where it is placed.
6. The patch is safe to wear all day. The patch will not make you drowsy or incoherent, so you can walk, drive, and go to work as usual while using it.
7. The weight loss patch is a relatively inexpensive option, especially when compared to comparable weight loss drugs. It usually comes in a package of 30 patches, providing you with a month's supply. Consult with a physician or call the product's question line if you intend to wear the patch for more than one month at a time.
While the weight loss patch may effectively stimulate your metabolism and prevent the absorption of fat, it cannot replace the health benefits offered by a good diet and exercise. For optimal results, use the patch in conjunction with a long-term weight loss plan. Because the patch is a temporary stimulant, establishing healthier life choices is the only way to retain your results.
Mark Neustedt is the founder of and after reviewing more than 20 weight loss programs [] reveals the top 3 weight loss programs that work.
Discover how you can easily loose weight by following one of these simple diet programs [].

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How a Weight Loss Skin Patch Works

A weight loss skin patch works by making use of a transdermal delivery system to introduce various chemicals that can address functions such as suppressing appetite, increasing metabolism, or preventing the body from absorbing oils and fats from food directly into the bloodstream. The transdermal delivery system used is safe and works based on the idea that some molecules can so small that it is possible for them to be easily absorbed through the skin and then directly into the bloodstream for the body to use. With this kind of delivery system, as much as 95% of any medication can reach the cells of the body through this manner as compared to the amount absorbed by the cells if the medication was taken orally. To ensure that the weight loss skin patch would work, the molecules present in any medication to be used must of a size small enough to be absorbed through the skin. Depending on the purpose, a weight loss skin patch can contain chromium, hydroxycitric acid, and caffeine - the same ingredients found in any weight loss supplement regardless of delivery system used.
Many brands tend to brag about how effective their weight loss skin patch is. This isn't to say that they aren't but consumers should be wary that it's not just because they are using a patch that makes it effective. A weight loss skin patch can function in a number of ways. Apart from administering needed amounts of a particular weight loss supplement (since they do contain the same ingredients as oral weight loss supplements do), a weight loss skin patch makes it easier for anyone who wears it to stick by whatever weight loss method they are using, much like how a post-it would remind you of errands that you have to run. As with any weight loss supplement, weight loss skin patches are most effective when used in conjunction with a healthy eating plan and regular exercise, and shouldn't be relied on as a sole means of losing weight.
Where to put it
While you can put it anywhere on your body, a weight loss skin patch is recommended to be placed on the back or the shoulders. Before applying weight loss skin patches, always clean the area in order to remove any dirt, and then afterwards make sure to completely dry it. Wherever there is excess hair, you may want to remove excess hair first on a particular area before putting on the weight loss patch or to choose another area where there is less hair growth. This will make sure that the weight loss patch will not only stick better (ensuring optimum absorption) but removal will also be relatively easy and pain-free. In case that weight loss patches get removed or wet, they can still be used although they are not guaranteed to work at the same rate as a newly-put weight loss patch would.
Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see []

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How Herbal Weight Loss Can Give You Benefits

The market is awash with a whole slew of weight loss options, but herbal weight loss can be considered as the best of the rest. It is mainly due to the increasing awareness in terms of benefits without any apparent side-effects associated with the usage of herbal products that make people to get more inclined day by day for using herbal weight loss remedy. Herbal products ensure loosing the extra weight by following a time consuming but effective procedure.
Overview of herbal remedy
In the fast paced world, we hardly get the time for ourselves during which we take a great care of us. Different daily hassles, hard competition and life style affect our diet very profoundly, which results our dependency over fast foods, snack and junk foods. The ultimate outcome leads to experiencing obesity, increasing blood cholesterol level, cardiac problems and other difficulties.
Apart from the health issue, obesity is directly linked up with social stigma. It affects everyone, especially women. Its effect is so profuse in one's life, that an individual suffering from obesity may take any drastic step to reduce her weight. It may range from having hotchpotch diet to non-verifiable artificial weight loss supplements as well. This may, in turn, result to severe side-effects by disputing metabolic system, while apparently resulting in temporary weight loss.
Herbal weight loss supplements in association with herbal weight loss programs are considered to be the most effective solution for acquiring a perfect health. It is particularly beneficial for those who want to be aligned with Mother Nature. However, there are great varieties in herbal weight loss products, and there is no specific guarantee of its effectiveness. The efficiency also largely depends on the type of the product chosen and on its specific requirement for its user. The consumers must be gather sufficient knowledge regarding possible side-effects regarding the product both in short term and long term.
Weight loss mechanism
Essentially, the herbal weight loss supplements work best following three mechanisms. The product increases the amount of the discharge of urine and stool, thus, helps cleansing the body by protecting against the accumulation of bodily wastages. It also enhances and rejuvenates central nervous system and helps promoting homeostasis through holistic approach. It also increases the serotonin level in the body, which eventually makes an individual more vigorous and serene in mind and health.
Variety of herbs used
Most commonly a great variety of herbs are used in the weight loss programs. However, there are few that actually got the crown to receive the honor. Let us verify few of them here.
Ma-huang: This is also known as ephedra. This is one of the most common ingredients used in the various weight loss supplements, however, the health research units and medical practitioners highly discourage its prolonged usages by putting a special emphasis of its harmful side effects on health.
Cascara: It holds a significant place in most of the herbal weight loss supplements. It is generally used as an internal cleanser. However, it has side-effect as well. It is supposed to create disturbances in electrolytic balance.
Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is well-respected among the mass for its versatile qualities. It is commonly found as an important ingredient of weight loss supplement. It also helps cleansing body. However, there is no clinical evidence found yet to ascertain long term benefits of weight loss from Aloe Vera.
Glocomannan: This helps absorbing glucose from intestine, hence creating a feeling of fullness in an individual. Quite obviously, it results in less intake of food. It is effective in reducing weight effectively; however, the impact of this herb is not free from side-effects. It may create gastrointestinal complications in long run.
Dandelion: It works as an effective natural diuretic as it helps releasing water from body. But one needs to be very careful about drinking a plentiful amount of water while taking this herb. If the amount of water intake is insufficient, the individual is on high risk of having dehydration and allergic reactions.
Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Natural Weight Loss at is the World's Largest Alternative Health Portal. You can also Participate in Health Questions & Answers, Discussion Forums and Blogs. If you are looking for any Information on Dental Care then visit Loose Teeth

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How Much Weight Loss Per Week is Safe?

How Much Weight Loss Per Week is Safe?

Safe weight loss has been defined and redefined many times over in the past few decades. People that are losing the weight want to know just how much weight loss per week is considered safe. Most fitness experts, dietitians, and doctors will tell you that two pounds per week is the safest. But does this apply to everyone?
Actually, two pounds per week doesn't necessarily have to be the maximum amount of weight you can lose in a week safely. This is merely just a recommendation and nothing more than that. This number is primarily based on a normal or average number that most people would use as a benchmark. You should take into factor your current health situation and the amount of time and what kind of work ethic you can put into your weight loss efforts.
For instance, people that carry more body fat will be able to lose well more than two pounds a week safely. A good rule of measure to use is the one-percent rule. You can lose up to one-percent of your body weight a week safely. So this means if you weigh 250 pounds, you should lose about 2.5 pounds per week.
Another thing you need to consider is what kind of weight you are going to be losing. Your body is composed of several pieces of matter that all come off with varying degrees of effort. Water weight is easily shed by simply sweating it off. Some people can lose over 10 pounds in one day by fasting and sweating! This though is not a true testament as to getting rid of fat and keeping the weight off.
Your body is also composed of muscle mass and fat. Generally speaking, gaining more muscle will help you lose your body fat and drop overall body weight as well. The whole myth about muscle weighing more than fat is merely that...a myth! Five pounds of muscle weighs the same as five pounds of fat, duh. Sure muslce is more dense, but adding muscle will get rid of your fat and your body will look and feel less flabby and weak.
Losing more than two pounds per week is certainly attainable and safe, but keep in mind that it is always easier to lose more weight in the beginning stages than it will be later on into your weight loss plan. Some people get discouraged when the numbers all of the sudden begin to become smaller each week. Be aware of this and continue on with your plan.
If you are not happy with how things are going with your weight loss plan and want to lose more than two pounds a week, simply cut back even more on your daily calories. This and an all around workout plan will certainly make your weight loss goals attainable.
Wade is an avid article writer who specializes in many different niches and owns several websites. Check out his newest Womens Basketball Shoes website and read a review about the brand Jordan Womens Basketball Shoes.

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How Easy Weight Loss Can Be

How Easy Weight Loss Can Be

Losing weight can be extremely easy if you find a great eating program. Most people overlook their diet completely when they are trying to lose weight. If you can find a great eating plan, you will be able to lose weight and lose weight fast.
The reason an eating program is so important is because what you eat is the biggest factor in determining whether you will lose weight or not. Your diet accounts for 80% of weight loss. The next closest factor is exercising, which only handles 20% of weight loss. That means that your diet is 4 times more important to losing weight than the training you do. Most people think this would be the other way around but then again, most people are failing to lose weight.
A great eating program will alter your eating schedule more than it changes what you eat. Studies have shown that eating large portions of food slow down the body's rate of metabolism because the body struggles to digest these quantities of food. This overloads the body and hinders its ability to burn calories and lose weight.
Eating smaller meals during the day will help the body function properly, as it will be able to digest food much easier and with little effort. This keeps your rate of metabolism high, which allows for lots of calories to be burned and weight to be lost.
It is also important to mix in some exercise into your weekly routine. Working out does not help too much when you are not eating properly but helps you lose a ton of weight when you are eating right. This minor modification to your eating pattern is the change you need to make to lose weight.
Jordan has overcome weight issues of his own and uses his experience as a guide for others. He relied entirely on a program called Strip That Fat. It generates a diet just for you and guarantees you will lose weight the healthy way. There is no better time to start than today. Everyday you fail to use this system will be wasted. Check out Strip That Fat []
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Super Food and Dieting

Super Food and Dieting

Super Food and Dieting-There are some super foods and drinks that should be on any diet. For many people, simply adding these foods to their diet give them the weight loss boost they need. They feel restricted on more formal diets and just want to lose weight without counting calories or carbs.

diet time

Other people benefit from being on a weight loss plan. When choosing a weight loss plan, there are many things to consider. Will you enjoy being on the diet? A diet that you hate is stressful, and it is hard to lose weight when stressed. Also, you'll be more tempted to cheat and may feel guilty about not being able to stick to the plan. So, first find a plan that you are comfortable following.

How much weight should I lose?

Are you looking for a rapid weight loss in the beginning? Often, fast weight loss at the start of the diet will give you the motivation to keep going. Keep in mind that few weight loss programs can maintain a rapid weight loss.

Evaluate the health aspects of any weight loss program that you go on. Just because a program is written by a doctor, doesn't mean it was written by an expert in nutrition. Will you be getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need? Should you take a vitamin supplement to ensure your health?

Most diets work great while you are on them, but you gain the weight back the moment that you stop following the regime. Try to find a diet that will give you long term results. If you don't want to count calories for the rest of your life, don't start now.

Decide how much time you want to devote to your diet. Do you need to choose a plan that has a lot of prepackaged meals or do you enjoy cooking on a regular basis? If you enjoy eating out, what are your options on each plan? Some diets have programs that will deliver the food you can eat directly to your door, for a price. Check out our section on diet food deliveries for more information.

Consider others when picking a diet plan

Support of your family members and friends makes dieting easier. If sharing meals with your loved ones is important, look for a plan that your family can join you on. They don't have to do the diet full time, but find one that has recipes that they'll enjoy eating so you can share meals.

Finally, although this site is about the best diet foods, remember that exercise is an important part of losing weight. Incorporate physical activity into your life at least three times a week. Go for walks, join a gym, or take up a favorite sport. Exercise coupled with the best diet foods makes the weight melt off.
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TOP best foods to eat to lose weight fast

TOP best foods to eat to lose weight fast 

TOP best foods to eat to lose weight fast 

1. Raw Fruits & Vegetables

You'll not only maintain your weight much easier if you eat more RAW fruits & veggies but you'll also lose weight much faster on a weight loss plan eating more RAW fruits & veggies and here's another quick fact...

Your body burns 16% more calories after you eat a meal that's mostly fruits & vegetables than if you ate a meal without any fruits or vegetables plus...

Fruits & vegetables high in vitamin C like Oranges, lemons & pineapples liquefy (or burn off) body fat so the fat can be easily flushed out of your body and you need to eat RAW fruits & vegetables because...

Farmers feed pigs steamed or cooked veggies to fatten them up because they know raw veggies will slim them down.
2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is loaded with fiber that decreases your appetite by making you feel full so you can go for long periods of time without eating while keeping your energy levels high at the same time and...

If you eat oatmeal about 1-to-2 hours before doing your weight loss workout... Oatmeal will give you a longer lasting blast of energy that helps you workout longer & more intensely which helps you lose weight much faster and...

It's better to eat steel-cut oats, plain or natural oatmeal & not the flavored oatmeal packets that contain lots of sugar.

Researchers at Loughborough University found that when athletes ate complex carbs (like oatmeal ) for breakfast & lunch... They burned much more fat off during the day than those who ate simple carbs or bad weight loss foods plus...

The researchers also found out that the athletes burned more fat while working out and were able to workout longer when eating complex carbs like oatmeal.

3. Dairy products

Dairy products or foods high in calcium like Low-fat yogurt, cheese, & milk breakdown fat cells faster and in a recent study...

People who ate low-fat dairy products 3-to-4 times a day lost 70% more fat than people on a low-dairy diet and scientist also believe that foods high in calcium suppress calcitriol, a hormone responsible for making fat cells bigger and dairy products also contain high quality proteins that help suppress appetite.
4. Any kind of raw nuts

Eat any kind of nuts for fiber to ward off hunger and to also get a good dose of protein & healthy Omega-3s fats to help you burn fat faster & produce more testosterone but... Make sure you eat raw & organic nuts instead of roasted & salted to get the full weight loss benefits.
5. Apples

Eat apples so the pectin found in apples can prevent your body from absorbing too much fat and... The pectin from apples causes your body to release fat and...

Pectin is also a strong appetite suppressant that keeps you satisfied for long periods of time causing you not to overeat so you won't gain weight and in a study done in Brazil...

People who had 1 whole apple before each meal lost 33% more weight than a group of people who didn't eat apples.

6. Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts are rich in selenium and selenium is needed by your body to make thyroid hormones that are responsible for keeping your metabolism high.
7. Fish

Eat more fish like Salmon, Tuna, and Sardines to make your body more sensitive to a fat-burning hormone called Leptin (Leptin means "thin" in Greek).

Leptin suppresses your appetite and Leptin determines whether you store the calories you eat as fat or if you burn the calories you eat for energy.
8. Spices

Add spices to your foods like chili peppers, jalapeno peppers, cayenne peppers or hot mustard to increase your fat burning metabolism by 8-to-20% for up to 3 hours after eating spices and...

Dr. Henry at Oxford University proved that hot peppers can increase your fat-burning metabolism by adding just 3 grams of chili peppers to meals and In a British Study... Spicy mustard made people burn an extra 45-to-75 calories over 3 hours and...

Garlic is a strong diuretic that can help you flush out excess water weight plus... Spices foods can reduce your appetite by increasing your body's norepinephrine and epinephrine levels and...

Gingerol (the active ingredient in ginger) increases growth hormone production which increases the amount of fat released from your fat stores to be burned as fuel.
9. Organic Beef

Organic Beef contains lots of CLA (or conjugated linoleic acid) which is basically a healthy fat that helps you burn fat and...

According to The International Journal of Obesity... People who took CLA lost belly fat by reducing their waistlines by 1.2 inches without making any diet or lifestyle changes.
10. Resistant starch

Resistant starch is just another kind of dietary fiber but According to a study done at the University of Colorado...

You'll burn 20-to-30% more fat by including more foods loaded with resistant starch like navy beans, Bananas, Potatoes, Lentils, Oatmeal & Wholegrain breads in your meals and...

Resistant starch also prevents your body from storing too much fat and like other types of dietary fiber... Resistant starch also makes you feel fuller longer so you'll never gain weight (and only lose weight).

11. Avocados

Avocados contain a sugar called mannoheptulose that helps lower insulin levels to prevent you from storing fat (or gaining weight). TOP best foods to eat to lose weight fast
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Exercise Melts Body Fat Now

Exercise Melts Body Fat

Exercise Melts Body Fat - If you want to reduce your body fat, focus on increasing the amount of exercise you get rather than decreasing your food intake. A recent national study was done using two groups of sedentary men, one group in their 20's and the other over age 65. A lot was learned from this accumulated data and it is interesting to note that there was a significant relationship between lack of physical activity and fat. Not surprisingly, the most sedentary men had the most body fat.

These studies have also indicated that the governments current recommended daily allowance for calories does not correlate with the body's actual energy needs. For example, although 2400 calories have been calculated for older men, they in fact burned an average of 2800 calories daily.

The leading experts now recommend that people who want to lose weight start increasing their physical activity. Just being more active in general (such as climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator, moving around instead of sitting still, sitting up instead of lying down as well as showing some excitement and enthusiasm instead of boredom), are things that more effectively burns calories and reduces body fat. Everyone seems to have lost sight of the value of being active. Consider this, a half-hour aerobic workout accounts for far less energy expenditure than our minute-to-minute movement in the office or at home.

Millions of Americans are trying to lose weight, spending approximately $30 billion a year on diet programs and products, often they do lose some weight. But, if you check with the same people five years later, you will find that nearly all have regained whatever weight they lost. A national panel recently sought data to determine if any commercial diet program could prove long-term success. Not a single program could do so.Being seriously overweight and particularly obesity predisposes individuals to a number of diseases and serious health problems, and it's now a known fact that when caloric intake is excessive, some of the excess frequently is saturated fat.

People who diet without exercising often get fatter with time. Although your weight may initially drop while dieting, such weight loss consists mostly of water and muscle. When the weight returns, it comes back as fat. To avoid getting fatter over time, increase your metabolism by exercising regularly.

Walking is one of the best exercises for strengthening bones, controlling weight, toning the leg muscles, maintaining good posture and improving positive self-concept. To lose weight, it's more important to walk for time than speed. Walking at a moderate pace yields longer workouts with less soreness - leading t more miles and more fat worked off on a regular basis. High intensity walks on alternate days help condition one's system. But in a walking, weight-loss program, you are not requried to walk an hour every day as some people would have you believe.

When it comes to good health and weight loss, exercise and diet are inter-related. Exercising without maintaining a balanced diet is no more beneficial than dieting whle remaining inactive
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Losing Weight Takes Effort

Losing Weight Takes Effort

"The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night."
~~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Losing Weight Takes Effort   -In order to take advantage of losing weight and being successful, you must be prepared--that means " paying your dues."

Nothing is more frustrating than to see that you are gaining weight again. .

Be in a position to benefit from your failure. It pays to be prepared, and that comes down to plain, hard work. It's not usually glamorous. It's not always exciting. It's not always fun. It is, however, always necessary

By being prepared, you have to create a game plan to get back on track right away without beating yourself up and devastating your self-esteem. My game plan is taking it a bite at a time. What's your's? Maybe it's taking it a day at a time, going back to your diet tomorrow. Maybe it's getting angry and becoming more determined then ever to succeed.

Have you ever been at a Weight Watchers or TOPS meeting and noticed several people there who are slim and trim? What about those Jenny Craig and Nutri/System ad's with their before and after pictures? They make losing weight look so effortless, but remember, in reality, these people have been dieting for years.

Without effort and action, you will not succeed. You can't wish your weight away. You have to work at it and be prepared for those times when you slip, so you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on...

Losing weight demands preparation, effort and commitment to come to fruition.Losing Weight Takes Effort 
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Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Tips

Because that most of the people who are overweight are following the wrong weight loss tips, they are failing to lose weight; each person’s body works separately and therefore requires some incredibly separate strategies for losing weight.

Some Useful Weight Loss Tips

* There are many folks offering weight loss tips, and some will work, but not all will work for you, and this is why it is so significant to consult with your doctor first, so that you can have help in deciding on what the best plan is for you.
* The most reliable theme among the general weight loss tips given is that most diets do not work for long term weight loss. They may do well for the short term of things, but for a lifelong control of a person’s weight, a diet must be a lifestyle, and not a fad.
* Eat right and exercises regularly and also remember that most calories are the same; a hundred calories in a small dish of ice cream is the same as a hundred calories in low calorie cookies.
* Many people are constantly on a diet and for most of the time, after a certain period of time most of the weight comes back. On the other hand, those who take their weight seriously and who change their eating and exercise habits are those who will find themselves on a continuing wave of weight loss.
* Losing weight is actually pretty simple: eat less calories than you burn. This translates into best weight loss tip you can basically ever been given, as it is the telling of the most basic fact in regards to weight loss.
* You should also let your family know that you are trying to lose weight and ask for their support. As well, after letting them know, you probably will not be as willing to fail at your attempt.

Goal Setting Weight Loss 

You can even ask them for their own weight loss tips and get their aid in helping you with your goal. That’s another one of the important weight loss tips; goal setting. If you have ever heard someone say they are taking baby steps, there is most definitely a particular reason for it.

Setting a goal too high, for instance, usually leads to failure and disillusionment. Realistic goal setting does work if you set them one stage at a time. By setting short-term, attainable goals you are more likely to be successful and more willing in the sacrifices you’re making to keep going on your weight loss plan.

You may think that your fellow dieter lost 20 pounds in a month and so you should be able to as well, but one of the other most weight loss tips to remember is that you should never compare yourself to anyone else, especially in regards to the matter of dieting and weight loss.
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15 Daily How to weight loss Tips

15 Daily How to weight loss Tips

1. De-automate your housework and make your body work harder. Wash dishes, mix batters and open cans by hand, and hang your wash on the line instead of using a dryer.
2. Use whipped or softened butter or margarine. You'll spread the flavor around using a lot less than if it were hard and you had to scrape it on.
3. Learn that it's okay to say an assertive "No, thank you" when other people offer you food.
4. Hold a conference and explain your weight-loss wish to family, friends or doughnut-bearing co-workers. Ask them to understand if you turn down their dinners or candy.
5. Go out dancing, miniature golfing, bowling - anything active - if you normally sit around and play bridge or watch television. The most calories you can burn in an hour playing cards is 95, but waltzing can whisk away 195 to 305 for every hour on the floor, and an hour of square dancing can stomp away 330 to 510 calories.
6. Drink no-calorie sparkling waters when you're out, instead of alcoholic beverages.
7. Set a realistic goal for yourself. "Take it one day at a time and don't punish yourself for slipping," says Suzann Johnson, a registered nutritionist with Weight Watchers International. "You'll be more successful if you remember to be your own best friend."
8. Exercise during television commercials. Those 3-minute spurts will keep you out of the kitchen.
9. Use good plate psychology. Don't use place settings with intense colors such as violet, lime green, bright yellow or bright blue; they're thought to stimulate the appetite. The same goes for primitive-looking pewter and wooden plates. Instead, appease your appetite with elegant place settings in darker colors. Choose plates with broad decorative borders and a slightly "bowled" design. You can fit less food in them.
10. Eat only at scheduled times in scheduled places and leave the table as soon as you're finished eating, instead of lingering over the last bites.
11. Ask for smaller portions and don't eat everything on your plate (unless you're having steamed vegetables and fish, or an equally good-for-you meal).
12. Remove food stashed in inappropriate places - get the candy bars out of your desk drawer and remove the nut bowl from the coffee table.
13. Chew each bite of food at least ten times to really taste it and to make yourself eat more slowly.
14. Don't skip meals. You'll only overeat later.
15. Invite your spouse or house mate into the kitchen with you when you're preparing meals and cleaning up to keep you from sampling as you go.]

15 Daily How to weight loss Tips
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Why Most People Fail At Losing Weight

Why Most People Fail At Losing Weight

Why Most People Fail At Losing Weight     -Why do so many people fail at losing weight? Is it because they are lazy? No. Is it because they are addicted to food? No. Is it because they aren’t good at exercising? No. Failure at weight loss stems from a few main factors:

* People don't truly understand the risks of being overweight. Why do most want to lose weight? Most would say to look better. Looking better certainly is a benefit of losing weight, but this shouldn’t be the sole reason to lose weight. There is a 1000 pound gorilla in the room and it’s often ignored. Being overweight for a long period of time kills thousands of people each year. Thousands of studies have shown and proven without any doubt that losing body fat will improve and lengthen your life. Knowing the dangers of being overweight is a tremendous motivator to not only lose fat, but to keep it off.

* People don't commit to permanent lifestyle changes. So many people think of a "diet" as something temporary. When they are on a "diet" they restrict themselves so much that they are miserable. Sooner or later failure is inevitable because of the unreasonable demands of most "diets." Some of these diets force you to only eat certain foods (e.g., no carbs, special soups etc…) You, like myself, have probably tried them before. The key to losing weight long term is to make gradual lifestyle changes you can stick to forever.
* Most individuals are not provided the truthful facts of losing weight and becoming healthier. With the conflicting information in the media, and all of the different lose weight quick fad diets, it’s understandable why so many people really don’t know the truth about losing fat and keeping it off long term.

* Most people don't understand they are constantly either gaining fat, or losing fat. There is no in-between. Some people justify binging or giving up because they hit a small road-block. This isn’t an all or nothing game. For example, when I was overweight, if I ate an unhealthy lunch, I’d go ahead and eat an unhealthy dinner since I already "messed up" the day. Or I’d say, I’ll start eating healthy on Monday since I’ve already eaten poorly this weekend. Every person at times eats too much. The successful people will not let a road bump completely derail their entire lifestyle change. If you are not implementing positive lifestyle changes and losing weight, you are gaining weight. Again, there is no "in-between."

* Most people don't realize what they consume each day. So many overweight people eat thousands of extra calories and fat without realizing it. It’s tough to know if you are gaining weight or losing weight each day unless you are keeping an eye on what you’re consuming.Why Most People Fail At Losing Weight     
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How to lose weight the healthy way

How to lose weight the healthy way

 Energy needs and weight loss

How to lose weight the healthy way -Your body uses food for energy. It stores any excess energy as fat. This means if you eat more food than your body needs for daily activities and cell maintenance, you'll gain weight.

To lose weight, you need to get your body to use up these stores of fat. The most effective way to do this is to:

* reduce the amount of calories you eat
* increase your levels of activity.

This is why experts talk about weight loss in terms of diet and exercise.
Introduce changes gradually

How to lose weight the healthy way -Small changes can make a big difference. One extra biscuit a week can lead you to gain 5lb a year – cut that biscuit out of your diet and you'll lose the same amount.

You're also more likely to stick to, say, swapping full-fat milk for semi-skimmed or making time for breakfast each morning than a diet that sets rules for all foods.

You should think of weight loss in terms of permanently changing your eating habits. While weight-loss goals are usually set in term of weeks, the end game is to sustain these changes over months and years, ie lifestyle change for life.
Increase your activity levels

Someone who increases the amount they exercise, but maintains the same diet and calorie intake, will almost certainly lose weight.

No matter if you hate gyms – even light exercise, such as a short 20 minute walk, will be beneficial if done most days of the week.

Every single time you exercise more than usual, you burn calories and fat.

There are lots of ways to increase the amount of activity you do. Team sports, racket sports, aerobics classes, running, walking, swimming and cycling will all improve your fitness levels.

Find something you enjoy that's easy for you to do in terms of location and cost. You're then more likely to build it into your routine and continue to exercise, despite inevitably missing the odd session through holidays, family commitments, etc.

* Get out and about at the weekend. Leave your car on the drive and walk to the shops. Try to incorporate longer walks into outings to the park, coast or countryside and take a picnic, so you're in control of what you are going to eat that day.
* Every extra step you take helps. Always use the stairs instead of the lift, or get off the bus a stop before the usual one and walk the rest of the way.
* Use commercial breaks between TV-programmes to stand up and do exercise, or consider using an exercise bicycle in the living room while watching your favourite programme.

Reduce your calorie intake
What is overweight?

How to lose weight the healthy way  -Doctors use BMI to assess weight.

A BMI of 18.5 to 25 is healthy.

If you have a BMI of more than 25, you're overweight.

Over 30 is obese.

Over 40 is morbidly obese.

To calculate your BMI, you'll need to know your weight in kilos and your height in metres, then follow the example below.

1. Multiply your height by itself, eg 1.7x1.7= 2.89.

2. Divide your weight (eg 80kg) by this figure.

3. 80 ÷ 2.89= 27.7.

27.7 is the BMI.

If you're overweight, you can't continue with your current eating habits if you really want to lose weight.

It's not possible to reduce body fat while eating lots of food, cakes and sweets. This doesn't mean you can never have any treats, but you need to learn how to limit these foods to small quantities – say, for special occasions.

In terms of weight-loss, you can get your body to use up existing stores of fat by eating less and making healthier choices.

This doesn't mean crash diet (anything less than 1500 calories), which usually ends up with you either getting weaker or giving up in desperation. Quick-fix diets can lead to a yo-yoing effect of drastic weight loss followed by weight gain, resulting in a vicious cycle.

There are no shortcuts to losing weight in a healthy and reasonable way.

Eating 300 to 500 calories less per day should lead to a loss of between one and two pounds per week. This is a realistic target. It may seem slow, but it would add up to a weight loss of more than three stone in a year.

Fat contains the most amount of calories out of all the food types (protein, carbohydrates), so a good way to achieve this is to cut down on fatty foods and eat more wholegrain bread, fruit and vegetables.

Below are ways to reduce calorie intake without having to alter your diet significantly.

* Replace fizzy drinks and fruit cordials with water.
* Swap whole milk for semi-skimmed, or semi-skimmed for skimmed.
* Eat less lunch than usual. For example, make your own sandwich and limit the use of margarine or butter and full-fat mayonnaise (store-bought sandwiches often contain both).
* Stop taking sugar in tea and coffee.
* Have smaller portions of the food you enjoy.
* Avoid having a second helping at dinner.
* Cut out unhealthy treats – such as confectionary, sugary biscuits and crisps between meals.
* Cut down on alcohol intake.

All these things will influence your health in a positive way.

Finally, don't be tempted to skip breakfast – or any meal to lose weight. While skipping a meal will reduce your calorie intake for that hour, it will leave you much hungrier later on.

Not only are you likely to overeat to compensate, but you'll often make bad choices to fill the gap: a cereal bar is not as healthy as a bowl of cereal or as filling, leading you to 'need' something extra for lunch.

Irregular eating habits also disrupt your body's metabolism, which makes it harder to lose weight in the first place.
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How to Lose Weight

How to Lose Weight

To lose one pound of fat, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. That sounds like a lot of calories and you certainly wouldn't want to try to burn 3500 calories in one day. However, by taking it step-by-step, you can determine just what you need to do each day to burn or cut out those extra calories. Below is a step by step process for getting started.

1How to Lose Weight  . Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Your BMR is the amount of calories your body needs to maintain basic bodily functions like breathing and digestion. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat each day. Keep in mind that no calculator will be 100% accurate, so you may need to adjust these numbers as you learn more about your own metabolism.

2How to Lose Weight  . Calculate your activity level. For a week or so, keep an activity journal and use a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc. throughout the day. Another, easier option is to wear a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned. After a week, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a general idea of how many calories you burn each day.

3.How to Lose Weight   Keep track of how many calories you eat. For at least a week, enter and track your calories online (e.g., with Calorie Count) or use a food journal to write down what you eat and drink each day. Be as accurate as possible, measuring when you need to or looking up nutritional information for restaurants, if you eat out. After a week, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a general idea of how many calories you eat each day.

4. How to Lose Weight  Add it up. Take your BMR number and add your activity calories. Then subtract your food calories from that total. If you're eating more than your BMR + your activity calories, you're at risk for gaining weight.
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Tips For Fast Weight Loss

Tips For Fast Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a challenge, especially if you have many pounds to shed. It can be difficult to sift through all the fad diets, and downright dangerous supplements and pills on the market today. How do you know what works and what doesn’t? Whom should you believe?

Here are 10 no-nonsense tips for fast, healthy weight loss :

1) Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day - this helps flush your body of impurities and fat. You can also substitute a few glasses of water for green or herbal tea.
2) Break up your meals into 5 or 6 smaller ones - this will help speed up your metabolism and keep you from getting too hungry in between meals.
3) Increase your fruit and vegetable intake - these are packed with vitamins.
4) Decrease your fat intake - try for no more than 20 grams per day.
5) Exercise for 30 minutes each day - take a walk, or play a game with your kids. Just get moving.
6) Find a hobby - take up knitting or painting to keep your hands busy.
7) Don’t eat that late night snack - Try not to eat for at least 2 hours before going to bed.
8) Listen to your body - your body will tell you when it is full, hungry, stressed, tired. Learn the signs and obey what your body is telling you.
9) Increase your fiber - choose whole grain pasta and bread.
10) Cleanse and detoxify - this may be the most important. Rid your body of harmful toxins and chemicals, while allowing it to function normally.

Tips For Fast Weight Loss

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Weight Loss Methods

Weight Loss Methods

Weight Loss Methods

Weight loss methods! Here I discuss the best weight loss methods and tips that turned me from an ugly whale to a beautiful women!

Weight Loss Methods

Weight Loss Methods

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weight loss motivation

weight loss motivation

weight loss motivation

More than anything else it is always the motivation that earns success for a human being. High levels of motivation have always generated amazing results and weight loss motivation can gain real success in the weight loss endeavor for a person.

For success in any endeavor you require motivation and therefore weight loss motivation is as important for you for losing weight. Motivation is the driving force that provides us with the will and the strength to accomplish the tasks so that you can reach the ultimate goal. However the motivation levels will vary from case to case. It largely depends on your feeling and how you view the experiences. Someone to succeed in the slimming motivations it will be the most important part of his project.

What is motivation and how do you determine it? Suppose you have decided to get up and do your work outs regularly and to stick to the low fat selections and the recipes that will help you burn weight you should have the motivation that forces you up in time. Strength of motivation can determine how much success you can get in your objective. This is vital as with progress your weight loss will be more and more difficult. Your body passes the natural set points and the endeavor turns more and more difficult. At the same time even the experts believe that amazing results can be achieved when the motivation of someone is very high.

In the same vein the weight loss motivation could gain the best of results for those who are suffering from the overweight problems and obese body. Weight loss motivation may not come to you automatically and you may have to develop the true motivation in you.

Most of the dieters will initially have some degrees of motivation as they have already decided to take some action. The problem is that most of them fail to maintain the rhythm and in result suffer from the relapse of weight problem that was almost cured when they had high weight loss motivation.
Bottom line of it is that one should learn to accept self. It is one of the most common reasons for which the people lose interest in exercise or in dieting that the goal they have set up is unrealistic.

For instance you will come across many ads on the TV or Internet where they claim some miraculous products either for work out or as super food will make you lose 35 pounds in a week or two inches of your waistline within 45 minutes. Unfortunately most of them are empty vessels that sound much and they never give you the best of the results. It is necessary for you to understand your own anatomy and what is achievable goal for you.

Human anatomy is unique. Therefore their requirements of intake calories will also be different. In result the weight loss methods do not work equally for all types of bodies. Yet when your weight loss motivation is high, you can work wonders since you will be determined and find out the true combination of workout and diet for your weight loss with the principles of 3D, dedication, determination, and
weight loss motivation

weight loss motivation

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The Diet Connection

The Diet Connection

The Diet Connection

The Diet Connection
A balanced diet should be part of any weight control plan. A diet high in complex
carbohydrates and moderate in protein and fat will complement an exercise program. It should
include enough calories to satisfy your daily nutrient requirements and include the proper number
of servings per day from the "basic four food groups": vegetables and fruits (4 servings), breads
and cereals (4 servings), milk and milk products (2 - 4 depending on age) and meats and fish (2).
Experts recommend that your daily intake not fall below 1200 calories unless you are under a
doctor's supervision. Also, weekly weight loss should not exceed two pounds.
Remarkable claims have been made for a variety of "crash" diets and diet pills. And some of
these very restricted diets do result in noticeable weight loss in a short time. Much of this loss is
water and such a loss is quickly regained when normal food and liquid intake is resumed.

These diet plans are often expensive and may be dangerous. Moreover, they do not emphasize lifestyle
changes that will help you maintain your desired weight. Dieting alone will result in a loss of
valuable body tissue such as muscle mass in addition to a loss in fat.

The diet method has received some fairly positive reviews. Scientists believe that the woman’s diet influences the PH of her reproductive tract. Y chromosome gametes thrive in an alkaline environment, whereas x chromosome gametes prefer an acidic environment. If the couple wants a girl they should eat fish, lettuce and drink lots of milk, generally foods rich in calcium.

For a boy, they should eat lots of meat, sodium and eggs, a protein-based diet. Surveys have shown success rates of up to 80% and the diet method seems to actually have produced quite a lot of happy parents, but couples are strongly recommended to talk to their doctor before starting such a strict diet, and many believe it’s not very healthy, especially when trying for a baby.
The Diet Connection

The Diet Connection

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TOP Tips for Easy Weight Loss

TOP Tips for Easy Weight Loss

TOP Tips for Easy Weight Loss

TOP Tips for Easy Weight Loss-You know you are experiencing yo-yo dieting, but do not know how to stop it! It is time to get your balance back. The following easy weight loss tips will help you lose weight in a healthy way.
Tip 1: Find out how many calories you need

BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)
BMR [kcal]
Body Weight [lb] x 15 + (moderate activity [mins/day] x 3.5)
Since you wish to lose weight, your target = BMR - 500 kcal

For instance, you weigh 140 lb and you perform 20 mins of moderate activity every day. BMR of this example = (140 x 15) + (20 x 3.5) = 2100 + 70 = 2170 kcal. BMR minus 500kcal; it would be 2170 - 500 = 1670 kcal. Therefore 1670 kcal is the target in this example to losing 1 lb per week.

weight loss tipsTool: Use our online Calories Calculator to calculate how many calories you need every day.

Tip 2: Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day

Fruits and vegetables are packed with beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. They fill up your stomach fast so you feel full earlier. They are also low in calories and helps to keep your calorie count low.

Tip 3: Watch for Portion Size

One serving of pasta means 1/2 cup of cooked pasta. However, most restaurants serve a pasta dish with 4 servings of pasta!!! You do not need to finish and clean off the plate every time. You can simply ask to take home the leftover.

Tip 4: Do not Skip Meals

Eating small frequent meals help to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced. Instead of eating 3 big meals, try to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals throughout the day.

Tip 5: Go for wholesome fresh foods

If possible, purchase fresh foods and avoid package (processed) and convenient foods such as fast food. Packaged and convenient foods are often higher in sodium and fat content. Many people we spoke to are amazed that they can easily lose weight by packing a home-cooked lunch to work instead of eating out.

Tip 6: Don't be overly-restrictive

Everyone has his or her favorite treats. Simply allow yourself a little indulgence, but watch out for the frequency and the quantity. Having a small treat once in a while can be rewarding to your weight loss experience. Cutting too much of your favorite treats usually lead to an early relapse.

Tip 7: Understand Food Claims and Labels

A product labelled with a fat-free claim does not mean that it is low in calories. Similarly a product labelled as low-sugar or low-carb does not mean it is low in fat or calories. Always read the nutrition label on the packaging.

Tip 8: Watch for the sugary drinks

Juices, soda, cream & sugar in your coffee or tea all add up. Opt for drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. In addition to providing hydration to your body, it will also help you feel full.

Tip 9: Keep a food journal

Keeping a food journal helps you pin point your eating pattern and will enable you to easily modify it. If possible, have your Registered Dietitian review your journal.

Tip 10: Exercise, period

Most authorities recommend 30 - 60 minutes of physical activity a day to stay healthy. Also try adding weight-bearing exercises at least 2 times a week. This will help burn some of the unwanted calories.

TOP Tips for Easy Weight Loss

TOP Tips for Easy Weight Loss

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Best Weight Loss Tips

Best Weight Loss Tips

Best Weight Loss Tips

1. Dietary control and exercise. It’s true what they say – all you need to do is watch what you eat, and expend more energy than you consume. It’s really that simple. You can quit reading this list now, you now know everything you need to know and didn’t need to fork over $500 for the privilege of me telling you the secret of losing weight. You don’t need to read a 4,000 page book, you don’t have to buy a tape series, you don’t need to stay up late at night to watch infomercials to understand this basic premise. It’s 100% true.
2. Change your lifestyle. If you’re calling this a “diet,” then you’re going to gain all the weight back (and more) within a few months of losing it. Diets do not work. Diets are temporary. When you change your dietary lifestyle, however, you’re changing your habits – and you’re putting yourself on track for long-term / continued success and weight maintenance. Don’t ever tell anybody you’re on a diet – ever. I’m speaking from experience, here – a reformed low-carber. Worked out well for a while, but ultimately failed because my entire lifestyle didn’t change (permanently).

3. Join an online support group. In my case, I created my own – FatBlasters. It’s essential that you not feel alone, and reaching out to friends (new or old) is typically a smart move. I just heard about PeetTrainer, but didn’t know about it when I began down the road to weight loss. You have to know that others are out there for moral support – they know things that you couldn’t possibly know, and they’ve probably been “in your shoes” at some point in the past (or present). Share stories, laughter, tears, successes, and failures – share them. There are thousands of communities out there, so keep looking until you find the one that fits you.
4. Take before and after photos. I know it sucks to see yourself as a chunky monkey (sorry, that’s what I called myself – if only to get myself motivated to meet my weight loss goal). However, there’s no easier way to illustrate your progress. The “after” photos are far more fun to capture and share, admittedly. Find yourself on Flickr! It’s good to see yourself how others see you. Do you like how you look? In many ways, Flickr helped me lose weight.
5. Hire a substitute teacher. Don’t reach for the brands you know and love immediately – or without thinking first. Eggs are “good” for you, but consider using egg substitutes instead (in fact, many restaurants will let you order lower calorie foods). There are countless “lower” alternatives for you to try. If something different doesn’t taste good, by all means – find a better substitute, or eat less of the original. In some cases, the substitute may be worse for you than the regular version of the product. The good news is, healthier choices are silently replacing their “normal” counterparts – and they taste just as nice.
6. Start reading labels. I know it sucks, but you have to do it – and there’s no way to avoid this tip. If you don’t know what you’re putting in your mouth, you’re flying blind. Don’t assume, either – triple-check the ingredients list and serving sizes. You must rely on yourself for this; nobody else is going to be able to lose the weight or do the math for you. It’s not that complicated a task, but it will require effort. If nothing else, just pay attention to the calorie count.
7. What’s so funny about bovines? If you like cheese, you must buy the Laughing Cow brand, and keep several of the suckers in stock at all times. The individually-wrapped wedges make for excellent snacks, and are wonderful when melted over just about anything edible. I’d be careful about straight-up American cheese, though – it’s oil, but not necessarily as good for you as (say) a slice of cheddar would be. I have yet to find something as calorie-light and filling as Laughing Cow (I don’t know how they do it).
8. Tell your family. You’re not going to lose the weight alone, even if you ARE alone in losing the weight. If you’ve got a family at home, talk to them about it – initially, not incessantly. Let them know what you’re going to do, and that you want (and need) their support. If you don’t let them know, you’re running the risk of them inadvertently sabotaging your efforts. You want them to help you get to your goal(s). You want them to share in your happiness when you’ve made it past a certain mark. Who knows? Maybe some of your new habits will rub off on them and they’ll become healthier people, too?
9. Go public. I didn’t want to admit that I had screwed up, but admitting the problem in public was the first step on the path to eventual success. I was now accountable for my actions, and all my friends knew what I was doing. There was no turning back, otherwise I’d be risk damaging my integrity. I didn’t want to disappoint the people who read me on a regular (or semi-regular) basis. Plus, it’s an easy way to find out which of your friends have gone through the process before – and glean tips from their own experiences. Then, other friends might become inspired to do the same thing you’re doing once they see that you’ve taken the first step.
10. Identify your exercise. No exercise was created equal. You might like running, so run. You might like jogging, so jog. You might like stationary bikes, so bike stationarily. Find the one that works best for you – that isn’t too much of a chore for you to do regularly throughout the week. Don’t pick a routine that you don’t like – or you won’t want to do it, and you certainly won’t stick with it for long. I also wouldn’t recommend buying into that whole “no pain, no gain” mantra. I’ve lost weight without hurting myself, and you probably can, too.
11. Become a Gazelle. You’ve probably seen Tony Little on TV, selling his Gazelle glider – a low impact exercise machine. I can tell you: it works. It’s easy on my legs, and really gives me a workout when I apply myself on it. Some people say it’s awkward to use, but I love mine – and would consider recommending no other home exercise equipment at this point. Then again, I’m a wimpy geek who only wants to burn calories.
12. Zone out. There’s a reason why people exercise to their favorite music – listening to external stimulus takes your mind off of the physical activity. That’s the secret to making “exercise time” fly. If you’re concentrating on what your body is doing, the session is going to drag on for what will seem like days. Buy a portable music player, or situate yourself in front of a television.

13. Never count on live programming. It’s important to stimulate your mind while your body is exerting itself in other ways. However, never rely on “what’s on TV or the radio” at the time. Instead of zoning out, you’ll find yourself flipping between channels – and that’s going to make the time drag as much as it would if you weren’t keeping your mind busy in the first place. “Live” is a very bad idea. Go with pre-recorded programming or go without.

14. Video games helped me lose weight. I can keep my balance on the Gazelle (which some might find difficult to do). As such, I plugged an Xbox 360 into the TV and started to play it while I was working out. Immediately, I found that I was sweating more than I was when I was only watching TV passively! The reason boils down to a single word: adrenalin. Now, the only way I’m able to work up a sweat is when I play a fast-paced game on the game console. Yes, even game genre is important; avoid any diversions that require long pauses between tasks. Racing games (like Burnout) have worked very well for me. The more mindless the game, the better your burn, the faster the exercise session will go.
15. Set realistic goals. You can lose 50 pounds in a week if you work out 12 hours a day and eat nothing but celery – but not if you’re human. Slow and steady wins the race. Don’t bite off more than you can chew – literally. Make small goals on your way to the bigger goal(s). In the end, you’ll have achieved more (and more frequently, might I add).
16. Avoid trans fats and high fructose corn syrup. I offer this suggestion for a few reasons. First, they’re not good for you anyway. Second, you’ll eliminate a lot of the “bad foods” outright – no questions asked. You’ll have to become more selective in what you eat by avoiding these two nasty ingredients – which are in more foods than you probably care to know.
17. Don’t always listen to your mate. I’ve already suggested that you tell your family – but sometimes members of your family will try to dissuade you from trying to lose weight. It’s simple: they might not want you to succeed where they may have already failed, whether consciously or inadvertently. Your loss is not always their gain. Watch out for statements like: “You’ve lost enough weight.” or “I like you just the way you are.” Fact of the matter is, if YOU don’t like the way that YOU are – then YOU are going to have to do something about it, no matter what anybody says. They still love you, though (in theory).
18. Don’t compare yourself to others. Every body is different. It stands to reason that everybody will lose weight differently. Even if you do the exact same things that I do, you won’t lose weight at the same rate. The key is in finding your triggers. Keep your goal in sight, and do whatever you have to do to meet that goal. When you start looking at someone else’s habits, you’re only going to become discouraged and quit without even realizing that it’s physically impossible to be anybody but yourself.
19. Women aren’t men. It’s been proven that men can lose weight more rapidly than women can, which is likely due to our physiological makeup (women are supposed to have more fat than men, because they’re the birthing gender). This isn’t a sexist statement to make – it’s pretty much the truth. As such, females should expect to set separate goals than males – especially if you’re working on losing weight together, side by side.
20. Take a magic pill. Nonsense! There is no such thing as a magic pill. Don’t fall victim to the hype of the latest fat-burning drug commercial. If you listen or read closely, you’ll see that every single one of these things is effective when combined with proper diet and exercise (which they even state in their advertisements). The side-effects for these drugs are usually worse than your additional weight, anyway.
21. Vitamins are good for you. If you’re going to take any pills, let them be natural supplements (like Essential Fatty Acids or multivitamins). Be careful about overdoing it, though – especially with herbal remedies. Too much of anything is a bad thing. You can consult a nutritionist, but always buy on your own – and keep these supplements to a minimum. Remember, too, that specific vitamins are no good without specific minerals.
22. Deck your desktop. In the beginning, some of my friends sent me complicated spreadsheets to help chart progress. Uh, no – not for me; I’m the kind of guy who likes taking the easy route. As such, I scoured the Web for the best desktop tool and remembered CalorieKing. You won’t find anything easier to use. Trust me, this is the one; I can keep track of everything I eat and expend (without hassle). While the statistic-addicts will love CalorieKing for its thoroughness, the utility was truly designed with non-geeks in mind. The CalorieKing Web site and service are fine on their own, but the downloadable client is what you really want to get. Pay the registration fee, man – how much is your health worth to you?
23. Identify your ideal weight. If you’re 5’5″ with a certain build, there’s an ideal weight that matches your body type. Find it – and make that your goal. And if you don’t know what that might be, try searching the Web for a calculator (though results and calculations will vary by a small margin). Now you have a weight goal to shoot for.
24. Consider the source. I’m going to make a gross generalization here, but… why would I trust an overweight doctor or nutritionist to give me proper advice on weight loss? “Do as I say and not as I do” is not a maxim I’m willing to accept from anybody who would be qualified to tell me how to do something. Talk to people who are doing it, or who have done it and been successful. You don’t have to mirror their regimen, but at least you’re getting help from someone who’s really been there. Or, as they said in the Christmas episode of “Two and a Half Men,” people who live in fat asses shouldn’t throw waffles.
25. Ignore Ronald McDonald. You don’t have to eliminate fast food completely, but you should avoid it at all costs. Most of it is nasty, bad stuff anyway – if you’d even go as far as to call it food. If you’re looking for convenience, find a more convenient meal source. Besides, most of what they serve would be considered “food product,” not food. There’s a gigantic difference as far as your body is concerned. Your bloodstream does not have taste buds, need I remind you?
26. Scale up. If your measurement tool sucks, upgrade it. If it’s analog, dump it. I’ve talked to many geeks about their choice in scales, and most of them (myself included) recommend something in the Tanita family. They’re high-quality, rugged, accurate devices. Make sure you set your scale on a hard surface, too (as carpet foundations do not make for accurate weight measurements).
27. Watch your weight. Some people say that you shouldn’t weigh yourself more than once a week. I’ve been much happier charting my progress every day. No matter what, you need to weigh in at the same time, every time. For me, that’s 10am every morning (or somewhere thereabout). If you decide to weigh yourself every single day, understand that your weight will fluctuate by one or two pounds – and that you should only keep a serious eye on the lengthier trends.
28. One pound a week. If you’re not losing at least one pound a week on your chosen weight loss regimen, you’re (a) stalled, or (b) finished. You might need to push yourself even harder, or (in some cases) let up a little bit while your body plays catch-up. If you lose more than one pound a week, then you’re doing better than average. Expecting to lose five pounds a week just isn’t realistic, though.
29. Maintain your priorities. Sure, your sandwich would taste amazing with an extra tablespoon of mayonnaise… but do you really need it? Rather, is it more important for you to reach your weight loss goal quicker – or have this sandwich taste marginally better? What’ll happen the next time you’re faced with this decision – will you cave again? It’s a slippery slope; don’t lose sight of what’s most important to you.
30. All weight is not equal. Muscle weighs more than fat, but the last thing you want to lose is muscle! For this reason alone, it’s important to have a regular exercise routine somewhere in your schedule. Without exercise, your body is going to burn through muscle first – and you’ll wind up more imbalanced than you were to begin with. You want your body to burn fat, not muscle. You want to lose weight, but you want to lose “fat” weight – not muscle mass.
31. Counteract the “Rainy Day” principle. If you decrease your calorie count without necessarily increasing your physical activity level, your body is going to crash. It’s going to say to itself: “Holy sh*t! I better store these calories as fat, because I’m not getting enough of them – and I don’t want to die.” When you exercise, you set your body’s process to “burn” instead of “save.”
32. Don’t overdo it. If you change something in your lifestyle, you’re probably going to see results – but there’s a law of diminishing returns at play. You can exercise for an extra hour a day for a week and still lose the same amount as you had when you were only exercising half as much. Give your body time to adjust – don’t push yourself too hard or you’re just going to spend your energy on something that’s not necessarily going to give you immediate and direct benefit. This, of course, only applies to those of you wanting to lose fat – not for those who are training for a triathlon.
33. Patterns are good. Once you’ve found your workout groove, do your best to stick with it. Exercise no less than three times a week for 40 – 60 minutes each time, but don’t feel the “need” to do it more than five times over a seven day period. Your body will likely appreciate a burn-off in the morning more, but if you need to relieve stress in the evening – don’t be afraid to adjust your workout schedule accordingly. Schedule making and keeping are important for other areas of your life as well.
34. Sleep it off. To be an efficient fat-burning machine, your body requires at least eight hours of sleep a night. If you think that you’re doing yourself a favor by sleeping less, you’re mistaken. Give your body time to rest itself, both mentally and physically. Sleep is very, very important (if only for mental alertness for the following day). If you feel tired, that’s likely your body’s way of saying: “Shut your eyes, stupid!”
35. Remember that the fork is not a shovel. I eat fast (I swear I can’t help it). Even if I’m not hungry, I want to shovel everything into my mouth in less than a minute. But my brain doesn’t know that my stomach is full until twenty minutes after it actually is. As such, I could stuff myself silly before realizing I didn’t need to consume as much as I did. Try eating half of what’s on your plate, wait ten minutes, then continue to eat if you’re still hungry. You never want to feel full – ever. That’s when you know you’ve eaten too much. If you want a real hunger-stopper, try an Omega 3 and Omega 6 supplement (EFAs) twenty minutes before a meal.
36. Become your own snack fairy. It’s okay to snack between meals, really. Small meals throughout the day are enough to keep you satisfied, as (much like the sensation of being full) you never want to feel hungry. Let your body know it’s going to get a regular regimen of calories. Plus, if you starve yourself for the regular meals, you’re probably going to eat more before your brain tells your mouth to stop. Think about it: breakfast, lunch, and dinner are social constructs at their very core.
37. Love the oil companies. Just like your car needs high-quality oil, so too does your body. Not all oils were created equal, though it’s hotly contested which ones are better for you than others. Personally, I love a good olive oil – it’s 100% natural and is rich with Omega 9 fatty acids. Enova is another one that we’ve found to work quite well in our lifestyle at home. Choose your oil wisely, though – your weight loss goal should be more than simply cosmetic. It’s a good rule of thumb when it comes to food: the more natural something is, the better it is for you.
38. Fat is where it’s at. If you think you can lose weight and keep it off by avoiding all fats, you’re sadly mistaken. In fact, if you think that low fat eating is the only way to go, you might as well just quit now. Your body (and your brain) needs fat to survive! This is why the scientists call “them” essential fatty acids – Omegas 3, 6, and 9. These fats have been stripped from many supermarket shelf items, and it’s your responsibility to put fat back into your dietary plan. Don’t avoid eating fat, embrace it – equally.
39. Bring balance to the force. If you eat the same foods over and over again, you’re going to get bored – unless they’re foods you really, really like. Feel free to change it up – keep your tongue happy. Balance carbs with proteins with fats, though. If you have more of one nutrient for one meal, try more of another nutrient for the next. And for heaven’s sake, don’t just shop in the “diet” section of the store. You can still (likely) eat the same things you’ve always eaten, just not so much of them at any one time.
40. Know your daily calorie limit. When I was in the process of losing weight, it was suggested that I stay under 1700 calories a day. Knowing that number was half the battle. I could eat anything I wanted throughout the day, so long as I would stay at or beneath that number. While I couldn’t track 100% of the items I ate, I was able to make intake estimates – and adjust my schedule and ration my remaining calories accordingly. In this sense, you’re given extreme freedom – so long as you stay at or beneath that suggested calorie level for your plan. If you don’t know how much you’re supposed to take in, how are you supposed to know how much you’re supposed to take in?! Sounds redundant, but it’s a situation that many “dieters” are in (which is why they fail)!
41. Fiber good. When you start to lose fat, you’re probably going to get constipated. Yeah, it happens more frequently than we care to admit (or share). You should have a good amount of fiber every day, anyway. Fiber is very important to your health (and your weight loss goals). Try the Metamucil snack wafers for a quick fiber infusion. Then, magnesium citrate for those… “stuck” moments, in which you’ll find yourself from time to time. Stick a bottle or two of that in your fridge for safe keeping, and don’t plan on going anywhere for 24 hours after taking a dose (trust me, trust me, trust me).
42. Walk the walk. You burn calories when you walk, did you know that? Certainly, you don’t expend as much energy as you do when you run, but you burn it nonetheless. Consider picking up a good pedometer, if only to gauge how many steps you take in the average day. According to others, the Omron HJ112 Premium Pedometer is the one to beat. If nothing else, knowing how many steps you take on the average day will give you a better idea as to your regular activity level – around the home and/or the office. Plus, you can count those steps as calorie deficits in certain programs (like CalorieKing).
43. Train wrecks will happen. One of these nights, you’re going to go out with friends and eat your weight in steak (likely blowing any kind of progress you had made for that day). Instead of repeating the overindulgence, just put yourself back on track the next day. You’re allowed to “mess up” every now and again, so long as you don’t make a habit out of consuming an excessive amount of food. Right the dining injustice immediately. You’ll be okay. You’ll be fine. Just don’t do it again. And again. And again. And again.
44. Satisfy cravings with extreme prejudice. If you’re hungry for something, eat it. Don’t deny yourself the simple pleasures. If it’s possible, eat only half of what you want. Is your craving satisfied, or are you addicted to the flavor? Losing weight shouldn’t be torture for anybody. You have to ask yourself: Is it more important for me to eat this entire case of fudgesicles, or to look good for my brother’s wedding? Only you have the answer to that question, and if you ignore logic, you’re going to hurt yourself in the long-run. Just take a nibble or two – I won’t tell a soul.
45. Water you waiting for? If you’re not drinking enough water, your body will let you know. Thirst is an amazing sensation – quench it. If you’re not hydrated, your body won’t be working at peak levels. Most of your body happens to be water, by the way. If you’re worried about “water weight,” remember that you’re likely to retain more water when you’re not giving your body enough of it in the first place. Besides, that’s what those workout sessions are supposed to help with every other morning. I’m not going to dictate how many glasses you should drink, though – as that’s going to vary from person to person.
46. Join the soda club. Like most people, I love carbonated beverages. However, unlike most people, I love unflavored carbonated beverages – and if your tongue is attune to sugary-sweet drinks, you’re also the kind of person who believes that club soda tastes salty (even when it contains no sodium). Make the move to an unflavored drink sooner rather than later. If you need help along the way, lemons and limes can be your best friends. If you’re going to drink something more than water, at least make sure it’s not going to hinder your progress. If you’re a sugary-soda drinker, dropping it from your daily routine altogether will help you drop ~5 or more pounds in a single week (WITHOUT doing anything else).
47. Sugar is evil that tastes good. You probably don’t want to hear this, but sugar is a bad thing. The more refined it comes, the more your body is going to react negatively to it. Sugar, sugar, sugar is in everything, everything, everything. If it’s sweet, it’s got sugar in it. There are all sorts of sugars out there, and all of them are ultimately metabolized by the body. It’s a good bet that the sugars in an apple are better for you than the sugars in a candy bar, though. If you’re addicted to sugar, this is going to be a horrible hurdle to overcome.
48. Sugar substitutes are just as evil as sugar itself. Do you really think your body knows how to handle something that was man-made? Seriously. These chemically-adjusted products do not occur in the wild; there are no Splenda trees in warmer climates, nor are there NutraSweet plants in the Arctic. In some instances, taking in sugar substitutes may actually increase your levels of hunger! Let’s not forget about all the health issues that might arise from these unnatural substances. If you’re given a choice, it’s almost better to go with something your body knows how to deal with (real, unprocessed sugar). No, it’s much safer (and healthier) to stay away from blue, pink, and yellow packets entirely. Do a Web search for “Artificial Sweeteners May Damage Diet Efforts.” Then sit there and tell me they’re okay? No way.
49. White bread can’t jump. Did you know that white bread isn’t good for you? Oh, it’s true – just ask any diabetic. Research has shown that people who eat more refined products (like white bread) are more likely to have belly fat. Why? It’s simple: your body isn’t getting what it needs. The food industry isn’t the health industry, okay? You can’t trust that they’ve got your best interests at heart (despite all their marketing efforts). If you want the flavor of white bread, please eat the whole grain white bread instead? Sara lee makes a wonderful loaf, as I can personally attest (even though I like rye more than white or wheat). Repeat after me: whole grain white bread, whole grain white bread.

50. Hasta la pasta, baby. Much like its cousin, white bread, refined pasta can damage your health and pinch your weight loss plans. I’m not saying you should quit pasta altogether, but I will suggest that you change your pasta pusher to Barilla. They have a new wheat pasta that’s a dead ringer for the ol’ crappy white stuff you used to eat. “Barilla PLUS” is absolutely fantastic, as well as a good source of fiber and protein. You’re usually going to be better off with a “wheat” option, although traditional wheat pasta has a texture that you might not like (even though I find it perfectly acceptable to my palate).

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